A new 3rd ring, a black band of steel, with laser teardrops heart designed for the young widow or widower.
I believe this ring holds the strength needed live each today, and helps to steel ourselves, to change what we can for each tomorrow, and maybe stop the tears.
This ring was especially designed for the parent, for the young widower, who still cares for a family, who still works despite the Broken Heart.
The HEART OF STEEL is what is needed to hold on to yesterday while living in today and tomorrow.
Two teardrops form a grieving broken heart, a wordless reflection of your nights.
The simple black band hugs your finger and steels your heart to care for those that need you.
When a young widow requested the ring with "Angel Wings", I was not sure I had the ring she had seen and wanted.
She sent a picture from the internet and sure enough - it was this ring.
Isn't it wonderful when your Broken Heart turns into Angel Wings?
Stainless Steel Black Ion Finish
- Stainless Steel will not tarnish or rust
- Black Ion fused finish will not fade or rub off
- Allergy free
- 5mm wide or 1/4 “wide
- Wedding band domed style
- Even Sizes 4-15 Unisex sizes fit both men and women
- Durable - wear all the time
- Original Design from Widows Ring
- Only available from www.ExpressionsOfGrief.com
Priceless only $59.00